- Since the 80's record companies have decreased rapidly and now are in crisis
- major companies have failed in both the transition from vinyl to CD and again from Cd to digital
The CD pricing mistake
- One mistake is that Cd's are too expensive due to being over priced
- Instead of setting the price at £10-15 if companies were to set them between £4-5 a lot more would be sold
- Another mistake is that companies push 12-15 songs on an album when in fact only around 3 are actually any good - instead they should have tried new formats
- The income to the composer and performer compared to record company got a little amount of money from each Cd sold by the record company
- Companies taking the alternative route would ensure they would be rich and never in a crisis
Music Marketing and Apple Inc
- Today Itunes has sold over 25 billion songs
- Consumers can buy songs at 99p each or 3/4 songs for £3/£4 pounds
- Musicians are creative and can write/play a good song which are appealing to customers instead of a lot at a time
- On an album of 12-15 songs you can guarantee 9/12 won't be as good
- It also takes away the stress of weeks of recording and editing
The big mistake of Record Companies
- A huge mistake from the 80's on-wards was that compared to the 60's the companies stopped making music they were liking and which the public were liking
- E.G. the Beatles were making their music and weren't following marketing directives or what the executive told them what the consumers would like
- In the 80's the marketing approach changed for the music companies - they sold music as a mass product
- surveys and market analysis was carried out which meant that executives were telling musicians what they could sell and what pleased consumers- this is what destroyed music and the companies along with it as each genre of music has a niche market
Let the Band Play
- Music is art
- The let the band play is a strategy for marketing which says one thing - all you need is passion and inspiration
- this should be what drives music - the love of making it and the love of listening to it
The Next Logical Step - iTunes
- For apple to develop iTunes to become a huge recording company and replace other companies
link: Marketing in the Music Industry - Analysis
- See more at: http://www.vertygoteam.com/music/music_marketing.php#sthash.Cu5iJjFq.dpuf
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