Wednesday 26 March 2014

Doctor Who Clip

What does the soundtrack contribute to the sequence?
Through the use of digitally created sounds to give a futuristic feel to the sequence
How does the music create atmosphere?
In the background of the cafe it starts off quiet and mellow which shows that everything is calm, then it gets a tiny bit quicker when they meet to show the confrontation. The music gets more dramatic, in a minor key when they're running to see the dead girl - this gives a sense of danger and mystery. Then when they get chased away its very low key but a bit slower which gives dark atmosphere, like they aren't wanted there. The pace of the music is used to signify what is happening, it contributes to the feel of the scene received by the audience. 
What sound effect are evident?
Tardis - landing 
Accents are used to show the class of the people i.e. the waitresses are lower class
Accordion in the background - relates back to an older time period, european feel
Background chatting
Clinking of glasses
Candles burning
Small talk between characters 
Barking dogs when the tardis lands - gives disrupted feel
Horse neigh - shows the time period
Church bell when the murder is announced which signifies that it is late at night i.e. the strike of midnight
How does the sound signify the mood and/or genre of the                   television drama? 
The sounds make it feel like sci fi from the futuristic sounds i.e. the theme song and the noise of the tardis, we also know its historic from travelling back in time from the sounds like the horse, the accordion - things that we associate with a past time. By changing the pace of the music they can create different feels i.e. by speeding it up its more dramatic and by slowing it down makes it feel calmer - by using digitally created sounds it feels futuristic. 

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